• Leisure,  Lifestyle

    A Virtual Photoshoot With Alfa Arzika

    A new trend has emerged from world pandemic: virtual photoshoot. Since it is impossible to meet during quarantine, everyone has resolved to shooting virtually from the comforts of home. Virtual photography has always intrigued me. I wanted to feel the experience behind it. When my photographer best friend, Alfa Arzika, asked me to do one with her I quickly jumped…

  • Lifestyle,  Living

    A Mid Year Review: 2020

    Time for a mid year review in 2020 because it is June already. I can’t believe how fast time flies. A lot have happened during this last six months around the world. Some of them certainly have had impacts on my personal life. A mid year review is very handy to check how life is going. It is also a…

  • Health,  Wellness

    Laparoscopy Experience in 2018

    Laparoscopy experience in 2018 started as part of TTC (Trying To Conceive) journey I went through. My husband and I married in 2011. It’s been several years and yet we were unable to conceive naturally. After various recommendations we decided to see dr. Luky Satria, SpOG at RS Mayapada Lebak Bulus, Jakarta. Meticulous investigation deduced that my endometriosis problem interferes…

  • Lifestyle,  Living

    Stay At Home Survival Guide

    Seeing that the Corona Pandemic is not going to evaporate soon, I decided to compile some personal tips as stay at home survival guide. It’s the fourth week of quarantine in Indonesia. The pandemic hasn’t been easy for all of us. I have faithfully avoided the outside world. I go outside only when it is absolutely necessary such as grocery…

  • Stay,  Travel

    The Open House Bali

    The Open House Bali was such a hidden gem. Whenever I go to Bali I prefer to stay at small intimate hotels that doesn’t cost my whole bank account. I found this eco friendly boutique hotel while I was searching for accommodations during my Java-Bali Touring in November 2019.   The Hotel The Open House Bali is at Jl. Pemelisan…

  • Lifestyle,  Living

    Life Mapping 2020

    Time to do a life mapping for year 2020. This year I settled on twenty goals to celebrate the beginning of a new decade. I decided the year’s theme will be “Reinventing“. I am going to reinvent myself. I would like to learn more skills, be more mindful of who I am and yes, I want to lose weight. I would…

  • Lifestyle,  Living

    Year In Review: 2019

    Time for a year in review: 2019. Each year I do a simple mapping of my life. It’s a strategy that allows me to see the direction I want my life to go. At the end of each year it’s easier for me to do a year in review based on this. I divided my attention into different main focus;…

  • Stay,  Travel

    Bobobox Dago

    When I went on a road trip with my husband, Bandung was our first stop. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to try Bobobox Dago. The Hotel   With a fully integrated system, Bobobox Dago stands out amidst similiar hotels. Everything is app-based from booking in to checking out. To gain access to their rooms a.k.a pods, guests are required…

  • Fitness,  Wellness

    Ride Jakarta

    For months I have been dying to try the classes at Ride Jakarta. As Indonesia’s first boutique indoor cycling studio, I have heard people raved about it. So when Tiara Soemakno, one of the instructors, invited me to try one of her classes I jumped at the opportunity. With branches at Plaza Indonesia and Colony Kemang, Ride Jakarta just opened…

  • Leisure,  Lifestyle

    Lotte Cinema

    Established in South Korea since 1999, Lotte Cinema expanded to Indonesia in late 2018. Lotte Cinema Indonesia opened its first Jakarta branch at LotteMart Building, Jl. Fatmawati (formerly D’Best Supermarket Building), about 75m from Cipete MRT Station. If you reached Lotte Cinema with your own vehicle, you would want to park near the lobby in front of Happy Puppy Karaoke.…